Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nickel and Dimed

Barbara Ehrenreich's predicaments throughout the chapters make me angry. Not only does she not have a good attitude but she shows how poorly minumum wage workers are treated. People who work in minimum wage jobs work harder than most. She talks about the living situations of her coworkers and it makes my sad. Most of her coworkers live in a car or with a crappy roommate. Most of the them can't afford healthcare and other needs. Not only do these people work hard for nothing but their bosses treat them like garbage. She mentions not being able to eat in front of customers or even being able to chew gum. She can't sit down and some days she doesn't even get a break. During her job as a maid, she mentions how one owner even says to scrub another part of the floor since she's "already down there." This just shows how people feel superior to part of the working class. It is angering to know that there are people in the world like that. Humans can be such jerks and the minimum wage workers have to deal with the brunt of it.

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