Thursday, September 10, 2009

High School v.s College

High school was way different from college. There were many more classes and I had to be there everyday. In high school, I had 6 actual classes every day. This semester I only have 4 classes and I only have to be on campus 3 days a week. In high school, I was allowed a total of 21 unexcused absences each year. I took great advantage of that my last 2 years in high school. I only took advantage of it because it was easy. I didn't have to worry about missing much. Most of my teachers would gladly inform me on what I might have missed. Now in college I can't miss a single day. The professors also expect me to figure out what I missed.
I have a lot more to deal with in college. The professors want more from me and the work is a lot harder. I remember having months to complete a project in high school. This was perfect for me. I procrastinate like it's my job. In college it looks like I will have a weekend at the most. College professors are much more specific in what they expect from their students. The first day of classes each of my professors gave me a sheet of paper clearly stating what I was gettting into. None of my high school teachers did this. In fact, my English teacher constantly changed her mind about what we would be doing without ever telling us. College is going to be a challenge for me. High school was a breeze compared to what is expected of me now.

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