Monday, September 14, 2009

Learning Style

The learning style inventory was kind of fun actually. I thought it was very interesting. Beforehand I already had a good idea of what kind of learner I am. I already knew that I am an independent learner.  I tend to get things done when I only need to depend on myself. I can't think well in a group. I was surprised to know that I am more of a creative person. I always thought of myself as the person who worked better when I am told exactly what to do. I never thought I would be categorized as creative. Creative writing is not my strong point. I am also an emotional and abstract learner.I always tend to care more about what people think and I do like to think about the "big picture". I also already knew I was a spacial learner. I love diagrams and charts. I think clearer when information is organized in front of me.

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