Friday, October 2, 2009

Relation Between Education and Career

I would like to believe that whatever I end up majoring in here at Stockton will help me in my future career. It's typical for college students to switch their majors 2, 3, even 4 times before they graduate. Some students even graduate with a degree in something they are no longer passionate about. I hope this doesn't happen to me. As of right now, I don't have a major. I'm tossed between psychology and early childhood education. I think I'm leaning more toward teaching little kids though. I love children. I think they are so cute and fun. I would like to make a difference in their lives. I want to be that first grade teacher you don't forget. My elementary school teachers are unforgettable. They really made me happy when I was there. My career isn't set in stone yet. College offers tons of classes on everything imaginable. Keeping an open mind and trying new things will help a student figure out what he or she wants to do.


  1. My roommate is undecided and is struggling to figure out "what to do with her life." I'm doing the best that I can to help her figure it out and exactly like you said, keep an open mind and before you know it, something will spark your attention when you least expect it.

  2. Wow let me just say that hearing college students may switch there major several times may let me sleep tonight. I totally agree that I don't want to be stuck doing something for the rest of my life just because I settled. If you're leaning toward teaching I think you should definitely go for it! My sister is a 4th grade teacher and she LOVES it. I think it takes a very special person to connect to children, and if you feel as if you possess that ability to connect with kids that's great! We need more teachers who are actually passionate about their career choice rather than the benefits and summers off. Good luck!!!
