Monday, September 21, 2009

T.V Series Centered Around Work

A t.v. series focused on work is House. House is one of my favorte shows. It is centered around the lives and problems faced by multiple doctors in a hospital. It shows all the steps the doctors take to diagnose and treat a patient. Even though it is humorous, it provides serious information. The show manages to keep you interested, laughing. and sometimes crying. You also get to learn some useful information. In my opinion,  it is a really good show. Dr. House's humor is crude but hysterical. He has the kind of humor I love and enjy. The only problem with the show would be that it always has the same story line. Its always a mysterious disease, multiple tests, and then in the last 5 minutes everything is solved and okay. Besides this, I will continue to enjoy watching the show. I am also very excited to watch the season premier tonight. =)

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