Sunday, October 11, 2009


I feel that our conference was short but very helpful. You helped me realize that my thesis was too broad. You told me my thesis wasn't provocative or arguable. I have to go all the way back to the drawing board but at least my final paper will have a proper thesis. You were very fair about your criticisms. My thesis was definitely not what you wanted. Writing the thesis is always the hardest part for me. I like the idea of having a conference. I feel better knowing I have someone to go to with my questions and concerns. You were very helpful. It's always good to have another set of eyes look over a paper. The only thing that would have made the conference better would be if you looked over the rest of the paper. It might have helped in coming up with a new idea for the thesis. I was glad to hear your criticisms. I will keep them in mind as I write my next draft.

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