Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yes We Can

Some advertising companies blow my mind. There's so many kinds of "sticky" advertising. I personally enjoy the jingles companies come out with to promote a product. The Freecreditreport.com commercials are my favorite. If I see one of those commercials, the song will be stuck in my head the rest of that day. For me, songs that go along with something always stick better. Bright colors and catchy slogans are always good too. This is a picture of my friend's band. They changed the picture to look like those Obama style pictures. They also changed the "Yes We Can" slogan to "Yes We Ska." I thought this was a pretty cool idea. I helped them out with this earlier this year. This was eventually turned into a poster for one of their shows but I didn't have a copy of it. They turned a catch phrase into something that fits their music. I feel that this could be considered "sticky." Everyone has seen the posters of President Obama so this was an interesting spin off of them.

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