Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Forgotten Memory

Thinking back to my sophmore year there is one event that, no matter how hard I try, I will never live down. My own stupidity is shown in this story but the true character of my so called friends is as well.  At the ripe old age of 15 I had my first and hopefully last encounter with alcohol poisoning. It was a Friday night so everyone was pretty pumped for the weekend. My best friends decided it would be a good idea to get wasted in Huddy Park. Not only is this a public park down the street from the courthouse but it was also a cold night in November. We managed to get about 100 dollars worth of liquor and it started off as a good night. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Last thing I remember is walking away from the drinks and talking to my best friend Rachel. My next memory is waking up in a hospital bed with IVs in my hand and I noticed I was in my pajamas. My first thought was "Damn, my parents caught me." I never once thought "Holy crap I almost died."
As the story goes, I apparently was more drunk than I had thought. I was all over the place and in and out of consciousness. My neighbor by some stoke of luck was downtown that night and found me. She called my mother and my mother called the cops. When the ambulance and my mother arrived guess how many of my friends were there? I believe it was 2 out of the over 10 people I was there with. My best friend since first grade left me there. My friends that I have known for years abandoned me. My one friend Rich is the one I have to thank for being here today. He apparently didn't leave my side. He tried to keep me warm and made sure I didn't choke to death. He did a good job considering the doctor said hypothermia was setting in and my BAC was high enough to put my in a coma. I still have no idea what happened that night. What I do know is that if it wasn't for Rich and my neighbor I wouldn't have seen the rest of sophmore year. I am eternally grateful for having them in my life. I learned the hard way who my true friends were.

1 comment:

  1. wow this is an amazing story. it's horrible to know that you only found out who your true friends were because they acted negatively, but the fact that you found out who to trust and who takes care of you is definitely worth losing those who don't.
