Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell tried to explain how little things can make a huge difference in our society. I found this book to be very interesting. I liked how Gladwell said that it takes only a few people with special "gifts" to start an epidemic. These are the Mavens, the Connectors, and the Salesman. That part made complete sense to me. Epidemics don't start out with a lot of people, that's just how they end up. These people with their "gifts" spread information like wildfire. The explanation of the stickiness factor was also another part that I believed in. Without the stickiness factor, Sesame Street wouldn't have become so popular. One strength of the book was that Gladwell included relatable examples such as Sesame Street and Hush Puppies. These examples helped me understand some of his points better. I was impressed by the amount of information that the book provided. Gladwell put a lot of research into The Tipping Point and it backed up his points. The book explained every step in the starting and spreading of an epidemic. The weaknesses of the book would be that it is somewhat repetitive and at some points it lost my attention. It was a lot of information to take in.

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