Thursday, November 12, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

The picture on page 375 shows a man standing in front of shelves of books, deciding what to pick. The books are humorously organized by attention span, the options being short, medium, and long. I feel like books are classified in a convenient sections already. In bookstores, books are put together with the same subjects. This seems to be the easiest way for me to find a book. You could classify books by how interesting they are, how much they will make you cry, how mad you will be at the end, or how well they will put you to sleep. There would be rather-pluck-out-my-eyes to omg-cant-put-this-book-down for the interesting section. There would be not-a-tear-in-sight to i-need-a-bucket for the level of sadness books. There would be the feeling of saw-that-coming to I'm-gonna-rip-this-book-to-shreds for themadness section. There would be not-even-remotely-tired to zzzzzzzzz for the sleepiness section. These would all be a matter of opinon so the way bookstores are set up now is probably the best, unbias way.

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