Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bye Bye Blogspot

I can't believe that this semester is coming to an end. Everyone always says that college will fly by and I now see what they mean. I just can't believe my first semester in college is basically over. I feel like i have adressed the questions in the blog to the best of my ability. Some entries sparked more interest in me so some of them are a bit longer. I enjoyed keeping this blog. I now have a journal commemorating my first semester in college. I feel like the blog was a good addition to the course. I was weary about it at first but as the semester went along I came to enjoy it. I think I kept up with it pretty well. I also like looking at the other students' blogs. It helps get to know them better. I enjoyed this blog and I enjoyed this class. I might even miss it. College doesn't seem so bad after all.

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